Welcome! You belong here and we want you to thrive as you pursue your faith
journey. We are small enough so everyone
will know your name and intimate enough so that we can confidentially share
your cup of sorrow or rejoice in your cup of joy. We all look forward to being transformed
by the renewing of our minds. Our
programs aim to improve Biblical literacy and encourage spiritual growth. Join us in our mission opportunities and celebrate all that God has given. Through Jesus
Christ there is life, healing and renewal.
Office open Wednesdays
89 Market St Onancock, VA 23417
mailing: P. O. Box 397 Onancock, VA 23417
For directions, please click the oval
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~In-person worship each Sunday at 11:00am
Online worship is now on YouTube. Click the link below or the links on the worship pages.
Sunday school dates March 9 & 23
Movie night Wednesday March 19
Check out the newsletter for all the highlights for March 2025
Click here for the weekly Sunday worship bulletin
Naomi Makemie Presbyterian Church Onancock, Virginia
To Contact Us
Special Announcements
Our Mission Statement
“Do what is fair and just to your neighbor, be compassionate and
loyal in your love, and don’t take yourself too seriously—take God seriously.” Micah 6:8
Compassionate, Fair and Loyal
Click on the Image above to go to our YouTube channel to watch live stream worship every Sunday at 11:00am